Große, unverkennbare Ammer. Männchen mit grauem, markant schwarz gestreiftem Kopf und Brust, kastanienfarbener Unterseite und gestrichelter Oberseite. Weibchen und Jungvögel ähnlich Männchen, nur dezenter. Brütet an felsigen Hängen knapp oberhalb der Baumgrenze und bevorzugt verbuschte Gebiete mit einzelnen Bäumen. Ernährt sich von Samen und wirbellosen Tieren. Unauffällig, wenn auch nicht besonders scheu. Macht durch hohen und klaren Gesang auf sich aufmerksam.
Worstbird(s) of Sep 2021
Winzig-kleine Ente mit einem zierlichen, dünnen Schnabel. Männchen mit braunem Kopf und grünem Feld hinter dem Auge, cremefarbener, gesprenkelter Brust und überwiegend grauem Körper. Weibchen braun, insgesamt dunkler als andere Gründelenten. Frisst Unterwasserpflanzen durch Kippen und Eintauchen des Vorderkörpers (gründeln). Sucht auch auf überschwemmten Sumpfwiesen nach Nahrung.
Other birds voted for in Sep 2021
An attractive small toucan of tropical lowland forest and edge. Usually found in small groups moving through the canopy of fruiting trees or seen flying, one at a time, across clearings and between trees. Flight rather direct and fast, when long-tailed and long-billed shape is distinctive. Note the yellow body with red and black markings, and the serrated pattern on the big bill.
A medium-sized bird of lowland and foothill forest canopy. Black upperparts with white in the wing and a white rump in the male, white underparts with barring in the female. Biak birds are distinct and may represent a separate species where males have more white in the wing, a black rump and females an unbarred belly. Limited geographical overlap with White-winged triller, but should be separated by habitat, with Black-browed in forest rather than open habitats. Voice, various whistles, chips and a musical, rolling chatter.
Medium-sized warbler with prominent pale “spectacles.” Extent of gray crown coloration is geographically variable; Himalayan birds average the darkest and Chinese birds the palest. Himalayan and Vietnamese birds’ dark gray crowns may recall Gray-cheeked Warbler, but both forms of White-spectacled Warbler have a much more contrasting crown pattern and bright yellow throats. White-spectacled’s eye-ring is broken at the top instead of at the back as it is in Golden-spectacled and Gray-crowned Warblers. Forages at lower levels of the forest, often making sallies after mobile prey. Breeds at medium altitudes in broadleaf hill and montane forest, with Chinese and Himalayan birds moving to lower altitudes in the non-breeding season. Song is distinctly broken and hesitant, slowly picking up as it progresses and ending with a variable trill; contains more trilling than Gray-cheeked Warbler’s song. Lower in pitch and more faltering, less accelerating, than the songs of Gray-crowned and Martens’s Warblers. Presence of any trilling components at all distinguishes this species from Bianchi’s Warbler.