
Worstbird(s) of Sep 2023


A plain, sparrow-sized honeyeater with a slender, downcurved bill like a sunbird’s. Entirely rich olive above, plain gray on face and throat, with a yellow wash on the underparts. Restricted to the islands of Lombok, Sumbawa, and Flores. Plainer than Indonesian Honeyeater, lacking that species’ prominent pale facial skin, yellow wing panel, and a dark mask. Sunda is also noticeably more yellow underneath. Calls include a constant twittering, a nasal “jeez,” and a guttural “grrt.”

Votes: 6

Other birds voted for in Sep 2023


Large, chunky francolin with bare red skin on the throat and around the eye. There is much geographical variation in the presence or extent of white on the face, black-and-white streaking below, and black on the belly. Found in a wide range of habitats, including moist savanna, grassland, thickets, cultivation, and forest edge. The call is a series of rough “krek” notes, sometimes with a rollicking introduction. Bare red throat separates it from most other francolins. In areas of overlap with Swainson’s or Gray-breasted Francolins, Red-necked can be identified by black-and-white striped underparts.

Votes: 3


Jaunty little terrestrial songbird of plains, agricultural fields, and semi-desert, where often perches prominently on utility wires and boulders. Tuxedoed breeding male is black with snow-white crown, belly, and rump. Female is sandy brown above and white below. Nonbreeding adult and immature have sandy underparts and pale fringes to the wing feathers, producing a worn, scaly look. Note black-and-white tail pattern in all plumages. Circles and plunges in an impressive display flight, in which a rambling series of whistles, trills, and buzzes are given. Calls include twangy “bi-zee!”, dry “chak” notes, and short, falling “dew.”

Votes: 3


Gray finch-like bird known from only a few sites in the Andes of northern Peru, including steep slopes above the Marañon Valley. Adult has bright yellow bill and legs, black mask, and white outer tail feathers that are hard to see when perched. Young birds have less black on the face and duller bill and legs. Inhabits arid regions with dense, scrubby forest. Forages mainly on the ground, but perches up higher to sing. Typical song is a rising, tremulous whistle.

Votes: 3


A spectacular, mostly iridescent-metallic-green bird, with a scarlet belly, broad yellow bill, and white under tail. The face and throat of the male are green, while the females’ are dirty gray-brown. It sits upright and still in the canopy of riverine and lowland forest, watching for insect prey, then flying fast and directly to catch it. During the breeding season, its soft, deep, throaty “huooo-huooo” call makes it much easier to find. The similar Bare-cheeked Trogon differs by having a face with a large bare yellow skin patches that extend from cheek to bill--not small blue-green spots. Bar-tailed Trogon has a heavily-barred undertail and prefers montane forest above 900 m.

Votes: 3