
Vote for the Worstbird Mar 2025


A large, spectacular ground bird of forest on Palawan with a fairly long tail and a crest. Female is entirely brown with a pale face. Male has a black body with blue marks on the wings, a grayish, finely speckled back and tail with blue peacock “eyes,” white marks on the face, and a red eye-ring. Female is somewhat similar to female Red Junglefowl, which has a reddish face and cocks its tail, and Tabon Scrubfowl, which has a much shorter tail. Calls include a harsh grating “skrark!” or sharp “skrik!”


Mid-sized gray hornbill with a white belly and horn-colored bill. The white tail corners are conspicuous in floppy flight. The sexes are similar, though males have a larger casque on top of the bill. Generally uncommon in miombo woodland. Usually in pairs or small groups. Similar to African Gray Hornbill, but has less contrasting overall coloration, and an entirely pale rather than mostly dark bill.


An intricately patterned partridge of various scrubby habitats; not restricted to bamboo thickets. Body is brown with black spots and gray streaks all over. Face is paler with a thick black line through the eye. Usually seen singly or in pairs. Often forages under cover but will venture out into the open; less tied to extensively thick cover than many small partridges. Song is a loud clattering series of high squealing notes, often initiated by a hoarse, throaty shriek.


Medium-sized green pigeon with yellow face and yellowish line on the wing. Male has a maroon back that is green on the female. Found singly or in small groups at upper levels of forest in lowlands and hills. Maroon back of male rules out similar species. Female has pale, green-marked undertail, unlike plainer, rufous undertail of Orange-breasted Green-Pigeon, or rufous markings of Yellow-footed Green-Pigeon. Legs and feet of Sri Lanka Green-Pigeon are reddish. Call a series of drawn-out whistles.


A small cuckoo of foothill and mid-montane forest. Underparts white with dark bars from bill to tail. Emerald green above with rufous flight feathers and obvious white ear crescents. Male has bright red eyes and female a rufous forehead. Regularly found in mixed species flocks. Potentially co-occurs with other bronze-cuckoo species, but White-eared Bronze-Cuckoo is the only species with a dark cheek and white ear mark. Call, a series of loud, downward “piuu!” notes.