Small, often rather active little bird of shady forest understory in humid tropical lowlands; often in areas with understory palms. Usually in pairs at middle levels moving with mixed-species flocks that often include Golden-crowned Warbler and Red-crowned Ant-Tanager. Rather drab brownish overall with tawny bushy crest, paler gray face and throat, and piercing pale eye (can be hard to see in the shade). Often gives a twangy, nasal “dwoi-dwoi-dwoi” call and a high, insectlike, whining whistle.
Worstbird(s) of Nov 2022
Other birds voted for in Nov 2022
Male distinctive in breeding plumage, with extensive yellow forehead and black face, nape, and upper breast. Dark brown above with blackish streaks and dirty white below. Often the black on breast can be replaced with a pale throat, forming a black necklace, partial or complete, of variable width. Non-breeding males often show a much reduced breast band with dark patches on either side. Female and juvenile are brown and white, like females of other weavers, with a buffy eyebrow above a thin, dark eye-stripe. Nests communally. Breeding song is a series of low-pitched buzzes, not as loud as Baya Weaver’s. Mostly found close to water, near tall grass and reeds.
Small toucan with distinctive plumage pattern. Male has black body with bright yellow cheek patch; also note olive back and orange patch on flanks. Female similar; she lacks the yellow cheek patch but still has bright yellow-teal skin around the eye. Found in the forest canopy, usually in pairs or small family groups. Feeds on fruits, and sometimes perches conspicuously on an open branch.
A medium-sized, long-tailed bird of foothill and lower montane forest floor. Rich, rufous-brown above and pale, gray-brown below, dark wing with 2 prominent, white wing-bars and a long, white-tipped tail. Note the white throat and a distinctive, vertical black mark across the eye. Quite shy and difficult to see. Hops athletically around on the ground, often with its tail cocked. Unmistakable if seen well. Voice, a long, high-pitch, piping.
Streaky, short-tailed brown bird with a long, slightly decurved bill; the only wren-babbler in its range to have a long bill. Long pale streaks all over the body give it a slick-feathered appearance. Like other wren-babblers, shy and reclusive, foraging in dense undergrowth and among the leaf litter of foothill and montane broadleaf forests. Usually seen singly or in pairs. Gives a clear, piercing whistle.