A large kestrel with long pointed wings and tail. The base color is a rich rufous with fine black streaking. In flight, the wings are rufous and black above and pale below. Found around cliffs and other rocky areas within dry savanna, usually in pairs. Similar to Greater Kestrel, but slimmer and more rufous, with rusty rather than gray barring in the tail. The calls are agitated “kree” notes.
Worstbird(s) of Mar 2022
Other birds voted for in Mar 2022
Brownish-yellow bulbul with a faint white eyebrow and a weakly tufted crest. Roams about in pairs or small groups, sometimes associating with other species. Prefers open forest and edge habitat over dense mature forests. Often found in scrubbier, less pristine habitats than other bulbuls in its range, though tends not to occur in cities as readily as Red-vented and Red-whiskered Bulbuls; a regular visitor of rural gardens and farm edges. Simple song consists of alternating sharp whistles, warbled notes, and buzzy gurgling. Also gives harsh low buzzing calls.
Breathtaking, thickset trogon found only in Borneo’s north-central mountains. Male is predominantly bright red, whereas the female is mostly tan-orange; both sexes have a broad silverish “apron”, orangish-brown back, dark face, and blue bill and skin around the eyes. Favors damp, well-shaded sections of montane forest, where individuals and pairs sit quietly at mid-levels. Gives a well-spaced series of squeaky hoots.
An active little bird with a bright yellow belly and a pale-tipped fan-like tail. Most common in foothill and submontane broadleaf forests, where it forages energetically and acrobatically in the middle and lower levels, often with fulvettas, warblers, and other small passerines in mixed-species foraging flocks. Very similar in shape to fantails but much smaller, and actually more closely related to tits. Song is a series of high “tsit” notes interspersed with twitters and trills. Call is often repeated at length, akin to a song, but much simpler, a series of high “tsip” notes.
Fairly small dark hummingbird, green overall with dark blue tail. Straight, medium-length bill. Copper rump and absence of rufous wing flash help distinguish from other similar species. Sexes similar. Usually seen feeding singly in flowers along forest edge, shrubby second growth, and gardens.