A large antshrike with a spiky crest, an often partially concealed white wingbar, and a white-tipped tail. Males are entirely glossy black while females have a chestnut crest. Inhabits the understory of seasonally and permanently flooded forest with vine tangles and dense thickets, where its far-carrying song, an accelerating series of “tah” notes, rings out. Normally forages in pairs and occasionally accompanies mixed-species flocks.
Worstbird(s) of Feb 2024
Other birds voted for in Feb 2024
Smallish flycatcher-like bird endemic to Mohotani (also referred to as Motane). Male is glossy black overall, while female is white-bodied with a black hood, black-and-white-striped wings, and a faint tan wash on the belly. Juveniles are gingery tan-brown overall with darker patches. Note long tail and pale gray bill. Inhabits dry forest throughout the island, ranging from the lowlands up into the hills. Vocalizations include a sweet whistle and a sharp, chattery “jirjirjirjirjir.”
A black tit with a mostly white wing and a white outer tail. Found in moister types of savanna, both broadleaf and thorny. Usually in pairs or small groups which are loud and conspicuous. Call is a classic tit “chee-chi-chi-chi-chi,” raspy and often repeated. The song consists of wispy, musical, up-and-down whistles. Very similar to White-shouldered Black-Tit, and best separated by the dark, rather than yellow, eyes.
Large, long-tailed bird with rich blue plumage, black head, coral-red bill and feet, and yellow eye. Inhabits lower foothills to lower montane forests and edges (to 1200 m), occasionally venturing into forested parks. Forages in small flocks gliding from tree to tree. Long tail especially apparent in flight. Noisy; gives loud, sharp “kack” calls (much like Eurasian Magpie) and rasping notes.
A very small, drab bird of montane forest understory on the Bird’s Head of New Guinea. Dull to warm brown upperparts, pale brown underparts and a thick, pale eye-ring. Moves in small groups or mixed species flocks, foraging for insects in the low to mid-levels of the forest. Similar to Large Scrubwren, but Vogelkop is smaller and lacks the rusty face. Call, a dry “chek” or nasal scolding “meh-meh-meh”.