Small antwren of dense foothill forests. Male is grayish with the black speckled throat that gives this group of antwrens their name. Note also the bold whitish wingbars, and brown flanks, rump, and tail. Females are entirely tan with bold wingbars. Forages in the understory of mature forest, often in mixed-species flocks. Song is a rising-falling series of high pitched notes.
Worstbird(s) of Apr 2024
A fairly small, short-tailed bird of forest floor or understory from the lowlands to low elevations in the mountains of Palawan and Balabac. Rufous-brown on the back, wings, and tail, with a white throat and belly and pale orange across the chest, down the sides, and under the base to the tail. Note the gray head and the thin black moustache stripe. Somewhat similar to Palawan Babbler, but smaller, with a much shorter tail, and is found on or near the ground. Song includes a sequence of downslurred, raspy nasal notes.
Other birds voted for in Apr 2024
Small understory hummingbird found in montane forest and dense second growth. Note its strongly curved bill and prominent dark mask and a pale eyebrow. Largely brownish, but is slightly, green above and paler below. The long tail is strongly graduated, dark at the base with pale tips. It is similar to Scale-throated Hermit, but Dusky-throated Hermit is smaller with a pale throat.
A very small parrot of lowland and foothill wooded areas. Overall green color with black, pointed, upper bill, red rump and lower throat patch. Male has yellow forehead and a pale eye, where the female has a bluish face and dark eye. Similar to pygmy-parrots, but Papuan Hanging-Parrot has a red rump. Usually seen flying quickly overhead and its voice betrays its presence. Voice, high-pitch grating calls in flight or chattering while perched.
Blotchy hummingbird restricted to a tiny, remote area in the Andes of northern Peru. Plumage is bronzy-brown with irregular white patches on the face, throat, and belly, and white teardrop-shaped spots on breast. Adult male has an iridescent purple and green lower back, but this is indistinct or lacking on females and younger birds.